SaaS - Software as a service

Learning to build SaaS. Together.

Welcome to the public landing page for the SaaS Slack group. Our community is a space to discuss problems and share learnings about building SaaS companies and products. This would help accelerate the pace of building more successful saas companies. We have founders and senior leaders from stellar startups and established enterprise companies sharing their experience and helping others.

We think of SaaS as enterprise software, delivered as a service, targeted at other enterprise companies as customers and users.

Sounds like something you are interested in? Join now! or request email invitation.

Who's invited?

You are welcome to join SaaS chat if you’re currently any employee in a SaaS company or if you are someone who is really interested to learn more about SaaS

The Rules

SaaS Slack Community Code of Conduct

We encourage participation from varied and diverse backgrounds and adopted Slack Developer Code of Conduct. Please make sure to review the rules:

Report any code of conduct violations to @ram or @gwenshap.


Please join the community


Slack chat spaces are divided into rooms called “channels”, and we have several set up. There are two you’ll be in by default:

  • #general: meet and greet; general chat
  • #welcome-to-saas: a place to introduce yourself

All other channels are opt-in.


The contents of this landing page are derived from the “Women In Tech” Slack group landing page. Special thanks go to Rachel Hodder, the creator of the original “Women In Tech” landing pages.

This landing page is built using the Single Paged Jekyll Template.

Source code is available in Github. Pull requests and issues welcome.